
8 Reasons Why Your MLM Needs a Website

Your MLM  business most likely has a home site (your parent company’s platform for selling and recruiting) and it gets the job done, but it isn't the easiest to use or for you to allow people to navigate on their own and see a sale come from it. There is 100% profits being left on the proverbial table when you only use your home site for selling and recruiting, but what other option do you have - right?

No! You can create your own website (following your company's rules and guidelines), build and audience, become an influencer and connect with more people when you hold the keys.

Ready to increase your profits? Then a personalized website is for you.

Don't think that's specific enough? Then here are 8 more reasons why:

1 - Create Your Own Brand/Image

With your own website you have an opportunity to influence people who want to do business with you. A potential customer now has exponentially more choices as to where they’re spending their money. A consumer wants to know who they are giving their money to and they want to feel good about their decision.

With proper research you can customize your appearance (your brand) to be more attractive to your customers. Understanding your target market(s) and their preferences will lead you to specific design and organizational ideas. Layout, fonts, format, and functionality all play an important role in influencing your customer. With your own website you can customize these small, but crucial, details.

2 - Stay Current

Having your own website gives you the ability to make changes as often as you wish allowing you to stay current with your market; keeping pace with trends, seasons, and items you want to feature.

By being flexible, you have the ability to try different approaches and test new ideas, all of which you can measure and learn from.

3 - Building Relationships

Along with creating your brand and image it’s important to establish a bond with your potential (and existing) customers. People want to find value from those they support through their purchases. Besides selling them a product, find a way to deliver something to them that they can use and explain why they should use it (what problem are you solving for them).

A consistent blog articles, videos, and “how to” helpers are a great way to get and maintain engagement. AND these are all great ideas for lead magnets so you can capture their info and stay in contact over time!

4 - Draw Attention, Get Social

By having your own website you can utilize multiple social media platforms to drive traffic to your MLM business. Utilizing different platforms (Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook) gives you the chance to share your brand and create interest in front of exponentially more people.

Easily to consume posts, done with regularity will help establish and grow relationships with potential customers.

5 - Recruiting

The goal of an MLM is to create a residual income by building your own sales force network. You can create separate pages on your website dedicated to recruiting your tribe. Potential team members can see why they should be on your team, taking some of the leg work out of building your team off your shoulders.

Instead of relying on your charm to recruit people in person you will have a 24/7 “commercial” airing on your website. Think about how many more people you could reach online, compared to the number you might come in contact on a day to day basis.

6 - Training

Do you have a system that is working? Do you want things to be done a certain way for your business? Offering a separate “Team Member” page for your group can be an added bonus for the growth of your business. (This is also a perk for recruiting.)

Training, mentoring, and private discussion boards can all be a part of your members only page, that can all be managed through your website.

7 - Be Where the People Are

According to The Pew Research Center roughly 8 in 10 American's shop online, which in the 3rd quarter of 2018, accounted for over $130 billion in retail sales. Having a digital storefront, which you are actively promoting will help you get a piece of that growing pie.

Although you are going to do business online you shouldn’t forget about thinking local. Any time you search on your phone for something, “Near me” always comes up whether it’s for food, merchandise, or services. Make sure your website is optimized with the right keywords, in the right places to increase your odds of climbing that search engine ladder.

8 - Your Competitors Most Likely Have One

As online retail sales climb consistently into the future, don’t be left behind thinking your parent website will do everything for you. While I don't advocate doing something just because your competitors doing it, by not having a website, your competitors are going to leave you behind when their sales climb.

You could make money by relying on your parent company’s website. But why would you want to limit your opportunities? Creating your own website and actively managing it will increase your chances of growing your sales and tribe. Take the time to create and promote your brand…you!

Share what you have to offer others, help people solve problems and build strong relationships with them. Having your own MLM website gives your potential buyers and distributors a reason to do business with you and gives them a community to return to time and time again to continue making purchases.

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