
Sales Funnels 101: What Are They & Why Your Business Needs Them

As an entrepreneur, it's hard to know where to start when building a business. Many make the mistake of believing that they have to jump through numerous hoops and design their website before anything else. But that may not be the best course of action! 

The truth is you should be concentrating on setting up your marketing funnels first. 

Why? Because they give you direct access with potential customers across all web platforms from day one – no waiting around required! 

So what exactly is a funnel? 

Well, a funnel is an essential part of a successful business. 


Because it helps guide potential customers through the buying process and increase the chances of making a sale.

This path, or "funnel," typically consists of several stages, such as awareness, consideration, and decision, and each stage is designed to move the customer closer to making a purchase.

By creating a clear and structured path, businesses can make it easier for potential customers to understand what they are offering and why they should choose them over the competition.

In addition to increasing conversions, a well-designed funnel can also help businesses to better understand their target audience and what motivates them to make a purchase. 

This can be especially useful for businesses that are looking to improve their marketing and sales efforts and make them more effective.

Now, there are several types of funnels that every business should have. Let’s go over them together here… 

The 3 Main Sales Funnel Types

  1. The Awareness Funnel
This funnel is designed to attract the attention of potential customers and introduce them to your brand. This can be done through various channels such as social media, content marketing, and paid advertising.

  1. The Consideration Funnel
Once someone is aware of your brand, the consideration funnel helps them understand the value of your product or service and why they should choose you over the competition. This can be achieved through case studies, demos, and free trials.

  1. The Decision Funnel 
The decision funnel is where potential customers make the final decision to purchase from you. This funnel should include a clear call-to-action and a smooth checkout process to make it easy for customers to complete their purchases.

For real life examples, an e-commerce store might use a funnel to guide potential customers from discovering their product on social media to adding it to their cart and making a purchase. (This is a decision funnel.) 

A B2B company might use a funnel to lead potential clients through a series of demos and case studies before eventually signing a contract. (This is a consideration funnel.)

One More Thing Before You Start Building Your Funnel… 

Before you take the time to build your funnel, think about what your audience needs and will engage with! In other words, create a reason for new people to connect with you using your funnel. 
It’s really comes down to two things:
Why would your audience care about this funnel? (Their benefit)
Why are you building this funnel? (Your goal)
As you think of your audience and your business goals, you need to make sure what you’re delivering is in step with your brand, putting thought and intention behind your actions. 
It’s wonderful when Ben & Jerry’s has free cone day every year where they hand out free ice cream cones, but it wouldn’t make sense for them to give $100 to each person who comes in to help pay off car loans.
Paying off a car loan may be something a big chunk of their audience needs, but it doesn’t connect to their mission of serving ice cream.

Don’t Forget—Measure Your Success

Lastly, but certainly not least, you need to be able to know if your marketing funnel is successful and working!
A few things you need to look at:
  • Conversion rate: How many people come to your landing page and how many people actually fill out your form and convert?
  • Email open rates: How many people who convert are opening your emails?
  • Email click-through rates: After people open your emails, are they engaging with them and clicking on the links inside them?

Not only will these metrics be able to tell you the areas of your funnels that need to be improved, but also, areas of your funnel that are huge successes and can probably be repeated in other funnels you want to create!
By the way, keeping track of all of these metrics is really easy in Wavoto’s Funnel Builder, where you can not only create your funnel with our drag and drop builder but be able to see each new lead and how people are interacting with your funnel. Everything you need, all in one place!

So if you’re a business owner looking to create a structured path that leads a potential customer through different stages of the buying process, with the ultimate goal of converting them into a paying customer… 

…Then you NEED funnels in your business! 

Make sense? 

We hope so! 

And to help you with your funnel building, we’re giving you FREE access to our funnel library!

It’s our way of saying thank you for being a part of the Wavoto community, helping you skyrocket your business, and drive more sales! 

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