
How to Manage Your Business While Traveling This Holiday Season

Let’s face it, the holiday season is busy. 

Whether you’re spending time with family, traveling, or just taking a break from your business… 

Your work-life balance is tough to manage during the holiday travel season. 

Even though it’s worth it, it always seems like a struggle to get through.   

You get off a phone call with one of your leads who is ready to take the next step but your system isn’t quite in place yet...

You're busy working on leveling up your business… 

And you try to remember to schedule all of your posts and content for the few remaining weeks of the year.  

But those are just your work-related tasks… 

Let’s not forget about your friends reaching out to set up a holiday party... 

Your family who would like to know your travel plans and itinerary for the holidays…

And your partner (and kids if you have them) trying to spend every moment with you while they have time off. 

Yet in reality, there’s no time off when you own your own business because all of your work still needs to get done. 

So if you’re struggling to manage your business while traveling during the holidays…

Here are five steps to help keep your business on track before the craziness of the holidays takes over.  

1. Plan ahead

When you run your own business, planning ahead by creating a to-do list or creating a list of actionable tasks to complete is a must—especially when you’re traveling! 
Ideally, if you complete them ahead of time, you will be able to take some time off away from the computer for a couple of days. So making sure to get these items done early can be the recipe for success.

Even things like compiling the details of the funnel you're running or the promotion in a Google Doc saved on your phone so you can easily access it on-the-go can save you a headache!

2. Ensure your business can run smoothly without you

Tony Robbins is one of the many business owners that says, "You don’t own a business if you can’t do it on autopilot." 

It makes sense, right? If you have to be involved in order for your business to work, then you don’t run a business. You’re just self-employed. 

Now for some, being self-employed is a dream come true. But if it’s your goal to be a business owner who has financial and time freedom, you have to figure out how to run your business without you being there. 

And putting your business on autopilot is a sure-fire way to make sure business continues to run smoothly without you.

Think about the things right now you have to constantly do over and over again, start automating these things to take the load off your shoulders. 

3. Utilize technology

By utilizing the power of technology, you can work on your business without having to work in it. And a simple way to do this is by setting up an autoresponder system for your emails and scheduling your blog posts. Using these features helps make the process of running your business on autopilot smooth and easy. 

If you’re looking for a way to run your online business in one simple place, Wavoto has you covered. 


Because Wavoto gives you all the tools you need to start and run a modern business, from beautiful websites to marketing automation, to eCommerce. Try Wavoto free for 2 weeks. No credit card required.

4. Do nothing

Studies show that one of the greatest ways to boost your creativity is to spend time doing nothing. That’s right, being bored boosts creativity and helps you brainstorm new ideas for your business. 

But obviously, don’t do nothing about your new ideas. Jot them down. Why? Because all entrepreneurs know that once a great idea is lost, it’s gone forever.  

5. Learn to say no

One of the simplest ways to set yourself up for success is to say no. 

There’s always so much work to do. It’s easy to work 24/7 and still not get everything done. So instead of overextending yourself, say no and take some time off to be with your family.

Your life will be more enjoyable that way! (And giving your brain a break is always a good thing!)

Want another tip to make your life more enjoyable? Sign up for your free 2 week trial of Wavoto.  

Comments (1)


virginia Hume

Dec 01, 2021 12:38 PM CDT

Thank you for your insights. Have a great day. Virginia

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