
What’s Up With the Instagram Update?

Was anyone else wondering why their Instagram feed started to look like TikTok? The new Instagram update looks a lot different & the intention of it is to prioritize video content. This is part of Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri’s master plan to push Instagram to be more than photo sharing. 

The shift towards consuming video content happened in the blink of an eye. Since TikTok began to multiply worldwide, more and more marketers and consumers have spent hours a day scrolling through TikToks, reels, or Youtube shorts. 

Not implementing videos into your marketing plan is no longer an option for marketers. Videos are everywhere. 

For platforms like YouTube and TikTok, video marketing has always been a priority but now other platforms are hopping on this wave. Posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest that have videos included are getting more engagement than ever before. Not to mention, 83% of video marketers say that videos help them with generating leads. 

By posting video content, you’re more likely to reach the audience you want & turn them into customers. Videos have become the most popular form of content on social media and they are consumers' favorite type of content to see.

What many small business marketers are thinking right now is “videos aren’t for us” but this just isn’t true! 

People spend an average of 100 minutes a day watching videos online and many individuals seek tutorials or educational content. 

Get Started Creating Video Content

Creating video content doesn’t require thousands of dollars of video equipment: you just need a smartphone. Start out with something easy:
  • Take a bunch of short clips of your product, your team, an event, etc., and mix them together with a popular sound on the platform.
  • Record yourself giving a tutorial. 
  • Give a tip with a fun sound in the background.
Have fun with it and eventually the ideas will start flowing and video content creation will feel natural - and hopefully fun. 

For all marketing strategies, videos included, organization is key. With our free Content Calendar Template, you are ensuring that you are consistently sharing and educating with your content to build trust with your audience. Click here to start managing your content from one place.  

What do you think of the new Instagram Feed? Love it or hate it, we want to hear about it in the comments below.

Comments (1)


Alicja Heinz

Dec 15, 2022 01:19 AM CDT


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