
How to Write an Engaging Email Sequence That Will Skyrocket Your Sales

Writing a successful email sequence can seem like a daunting task for those who have never written one. 

But with a little bit of planning, the right content, and a good system for testing, you can create an effective email sequence that converts right from the start. 

How? By creating a goal, creating an outline, drafting the content, setting up a schedule for sending your emails, and testing and tweaking your sequence until it’s perfect. 

Inside this blog post, I’ll break down the step-by-step process of exactly how you can do this so you can write an email sequence that converts from the start. 

Now, let’s dive in… 

Step #1 - Choose the Goal of Your Email Sequence 

The first step in creating an effective email sequence is to determine the goal of your sequence. Before you start writing, it’s important to do this. Why? Because without a plan or goal it’ll be almost impossible to reach it. 

So ask yourself… 

What do you want to accomplish with each email? Are you trying to get people to sign up for a webinar or workshop? Are you trying to upsell them on a paid product or service? Having a clear goal in mind will help you create an effective email sequence. 

Once you’ve identified the goal of the sequence, you can create an outline of the emails you’ll send. 

Step #2 - Create an Outline of the Emails You’ll Send 

Once you’ve chosen the goal of your sequence, you can create an outline of the emails you’ll send. This should include what type of content each email will contain. For example, you may want to offer a freebie in the first email and then upsell them on a paid product or service in the second email. Or you may want to include a series of emails that provide helpful tips and tricks to help the reader solve a problem. 

Once you’ve created an outline of the emails you’ll send, it’s time to start drafting the content for each email.

Step #3 - What Should Each Email Contain? 

When drafting the content for each email, it’s important to make sure it’s relevant to the goal of the sequence. For example, if you’re offering a freebie, make sure the content of the email is related to the freebie. If you’re trying to get people to sign up for a webinar or workshop, make sure your content is focused on the benefits of attending the webinar or workshop. You should also consider how you can upsell in each email. For example, if you’re offering a freebie, you could include a link to a paid product or service in the email that could help the reader further. 

Once you know what each email will say, next you must set a schedule for sending your emails. 

Step #4 - Set Up a Schedule for Sending Your Emails 

Before sending out your emails, you should decide on when the best time is to send them. Depending on the type of email you’re sending, it’s best to send your emails during the weekday and avoid peak hours. You should also consider the time zone of the people you’re sending the emails to, so that they’re not received in the middle of the night. 

Also, it may be a good idea to experiment with different days and times to find the best time to send your emails. Also make sure to include a call-to-action (CTA) in your emails. This can be something like “click here” or “sign up now.” These types of CTAs will encourage people to take action and engage with your emails. Generally, you should aim to send one email per day. This will give people enough time to digest and respond to your emails. 

Step #5 - Test and Tweak Your Sequence Until It’s Perfect 

The final step in creating an effective email sequence is to test and tweak it until it’s perfect. Testing is an important step in the process as it allows you to identify what’s working and what’s not. You can use A/B testing to test different versions of the same email and see which one performs best. 

You can also monitor the performance of your emails to see which ones are the most successful. This will give you valuable insight into what type of content people respond to and which times and days are best for sending emails. You can use this information to optimize your email campaigns and create more effective emails in the future.

Creating an effective email sequence can be a daunting task for those who have never written one before. But with a little bit of planning, the right content, and a good system for testing, you can create an effective email sequence that converts right from the start. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create an email sequence that will help you reach your goals and get the results you’re looking for. 

To help you get started, we’ve included a link to a sample email sequence to convert your leads to customers. Download the List Building Funnel email sequence template here.

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