
How to Make Your Business More Visible Using Social and Blog Content

No matter your business, no matter your expertise - getting found by new people is a high priority. Are new leads finding you online? Can they find you online? And if they find you, are they coming back or converting for you?

This is where content marketing comes in to help you. Content marketing is sharing helpful information with your target audience, or avatar, to attract them and get them to work with you. Content marketing allows you to expand your visibility online by focusing on the topics and concerns people are searching for answers to. It's a simple 3 step process:

1. Start a Blog

Anyone can and should have a blog. You may be wondering "If everyone has a blog, then how do I stand out?" You stand out by having your own perspective and 77% of people online are looking for that perspective. Think about the stores you shop at, particularly, let's look at Walmart and Target. They both sell basically the same thing, but they have set up in your mind what differentiates them. Take a minute to think of what these two stores actually sell and how they target their respective audiences to sell their products.

Now think about your business's avatar. What information do you have to share with them, with your own perspective, that they are looking for?

About 61% of consumers actually act after they read a recommendation in articles online (I know I have, have you?).
You can attract new customers or even new team members by frequently writing simple articles about what you know and care about. Quickly establish your business’s blog as a resource for consistent content that is interesting and impacts your audience. 

Just by having a blog on your website, your chance of ranking higher in search results goes up 434%. No, that’s not a typo. 434%! That should be reason enough. 

2. Share on Social Media

Now that you have the content, you need to start sharing it in places where people look for helpful articles. Without a social media presence in 2022, you’re basically invisible. Social media is a prime place for you to share the articles you post on your blog and build an audience that you can consistently share with.

Beyond your blog content, social media gives you a place to connect with potential contacts, current contacts, complementary businesses, and thought leaders in your field. It’s like building your own distribution network without the cost of a PR company!

If you haven't been sharing on social media yet, posting your informative articles for your social media audience to see is the best place to start! What's even better, your articles can get shared time and time again, highlighting different aspects of them.

3. Continue Posting Fresh Content

You need to lather, rinse and repeat your shampoo, and posting on your blog requires the same process. It should be done over and over again. Consistency and increase in publishing blogs is proportional to an increase in website traffic. Once you publish 21-54 blog posts, your traffic can increase by 30%.  

It may seem daunting at first, but start small. Write a blog once a week and post on social a few times a week (depending on the social network). The more you do it, the more it becomes a habit and the more your audience will grow! 

And if you’re wondering how to start turning social media traffic into leads, we’ve got you covered. With our 18-minute challenge, you’ll see how EASY and FAST it is to create a beautiful, professional, and optimized “microsite” for social with Quick Links. Sign up for our 18-minute challenge here!

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