
Content Calendar to Organize Your Life [Free Download]

A content calendar is a blueprint of all the content you want your business to share. From blog articles to downloads to social media posts - it organizes all the work you want to do over the course of a week, month and a year! The best part, setting one up is quick and easy, especially when we've done the hard work for you.

All you have to do after downloading our content calendar is fill it in with what you want to share! Now, not everything you do, specifically when it comes to social media, will be (or should be) planned in your content calendar. Sometimes you have a spur of the moment post ideas that are perfect for the situation and will spur engagement you could never plan, but spur of the moment posts don't keep your social profiles active in each social network algorithm or help connect all your digital work.

Step 1: Download Your Content Calendar Template

This step is an easy one because all you have to do it download the content calendar we've already created for you. We'll send you an email with it for you to get working!

Step 2: How Often You Want To Share Content

Before you add content to your new content calendar, think about the frequency you want your messages to go out. We'll specifically look at blog articles and social media posts.

Blog Article Frequency

The rule for blog writing is the more frequently you can do it, the better, but that's not very concrete. What is concrete is your schedule and ability to write on a regular basis. If you haven't written articles for a blog before and would like to start, consider writing one once a month or every other week. As you become comfortable writing on a regular basis, you can increase the number of articles you post.

If you have written blog articles before, keep the consistency that you're comfortable with.

Social Media Frequency

Each social network needs to be tackled a little differently, but a good rule of thumb is:

  • Facebook: 3 – 10x / week
  • Twitter: 5x / week (minimum)
  • Instagram: 1x / day
  • Pinterest: 10x / day (maximum)
You do not need to be on every social network, but where you are engaging with your audience. Your work should always focus on quality over quantity. Even if you post only once a week, if it is a quality post your audience will seek it out.

Keep in mind, if you are currently posting on social media once a day and never write blog articles, you're not going to overnight begin writing blog articles every other day and posting 20 times a day across social don't plan that into your calendar.

Step 4: Start Adding To Your Content Calendar

Begin adding dates and specific content to your calendar (being as specific as possible, which isn't always easy for on-going social media posts!). You also may want to work in important dates such as potential BOGO releases, big holidays or events your attending. This can help you plan around big events and expect them coming up in your calendar.

Putting it all together

So you have all the tools in order to manage your content in an easy-to-use calendar....but it might not make sense yet. Once you download our Content Calendar Template we have one month filled with examples of how you can fill it in with your own content.

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