
Why Your Words Are Turning People Away From Your Business (Cut The Jargon)

You’ve heard jargon before… 

Maybe it was the time you walked into the doctor’s office and you were told words and technical phrases about your body that made absolutely no sense to you. 

Or maybe it was in a meeting at work and your boss said a term that left you speechless and confused…

Whatever the situation was… I’m sure it left you feeling isolated, confused, and like you wanted to curl up into a ball. (No? That was just me?) 

Well, that’s jargon, and when you use it the wrong way it can really turn people away from your business. 

Jargon is defined as “special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.”
So let me ask you…

Are you currently using jargon in your business? 

Because if you are this could be a huge turn-off for your audience! 

Why Jargon Could Be Turning People Away and What to Do Instead

1. Ask yourself if a 5th grader would understand it

To be a great communicator, everyone has to understand what you’re saying. 

And if you’re using jargon, the chances are good that what you’re trying to tell people will go right over their heads. 

Can you see how this can be a problem? 

In writing, we’re taught to use language that a 5th grader would understand. 

So let me ask you…Can you make heads or tails of this?

“We need to increase organic reach with a viral fanbassador granular, sharable funnel campaign to increase our market share and brand awareness.
Because this just sounds like nonsense…when in reality, it’s jargon.

Ask yourself, is a 5th grader going to understand jargon? 

If the answer is no, then cut it out! 

2. Know Your Audience

Obviously, you don’t want to cut jargon out completely…

You must know your audience though. 

For example, in college, it’s okay to use jargon and big words because the person who’s reading your paper or report is your professor—the person who taught you the jargon in the first place! 

And of course, in this situation, it’s probably a good thing to use jargon and may even help you ace your paper. 

3. Use a Different Word

If you’re prone to use jargon in your writing, try using a different word that means the same thing. 

If you get stuck, you can always Google synonyms. ( is sometimes my best friend.)

This may seem like a lot of extra work…

But if your message is clear, you’re more likely to get more leads, sales, or purchases. 

4. Ask a Non-Coworker to Review It

Ask a friend or family member who’s not in your field to review your work. 

When they go through it, ask them to take note of what parts of your writing are clear and what parts are hard to understand. 

Keep in mind that the more people who understand your writing, the more people will respond to your writing! 

5. Use Tools like the Hemingway App

Unfortunately, there are no tools out there that will point out jargon in your writing. (At least, not that I’m aware of.) 

But using tools like the Hemingway App can help you understand if you have clarity in your writing. And it provides you with instant feedback, such as the reading level of your writing, and ways to improve your writing. 

6. Read Your Work Out loud 

Another great way to review your writing is by reading it out loud. 

Not only does this help you avoid jargon, but it will also help you create work that’s clear, concise, and straight to the point. 

Now that you understand what jargon is and how to avoid it… 

It’s time to ramp up your marketing and take your business to the next level! 

The first step to leveling up is by making sure you have your entire business in ONE place. 

And thanks to Wavoto, you get access to all the tools you need to start and run a successful online business.

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