
Why We Love Pexels + What We're Excited About [Platform Updates]

We’re always looking to delight our users at Wavoto, from big announcements like Funnel Builder this year, all the way to tiny updates, like being able to choose how frequently your website saves. In the past 5 months, we’ve done tons of tiny little updates all across the platform to make your experience on Wavoto as easy and as enjoyable as possible (because, let’s face it, building new things is stressful, so let’s not add to it!). 

We always love to get your feedback and create some little delights for you, here are our favorite ones from the past 5 months:

Integration With Pexels For Free Images Where You Need Them

Pexels is one of our go-to royalty free image sites, which means you have stock images you can use on your website or social media when you need them

Before, you would have to search on Pexels, maybe format your image correctly and then upload it to your site - no more!

Anywhere you can add an image to your site in Page Builder, you’ll now have the option to search the Pexel library directly in the “Upload Image” area. It doesn’t get easier than that!

Autosave When You Want + Never Lose A Thing

When I say tiny updates, I truly mean tiny - but this makes a big impact for some of our users. Our autosave feature saves your work every 2 seconds, but some people find the loading of autosave impedes their ability to work (if you are working off a slow internet connection, this can be a game-changer).

If this update sounds like a big win to you, head to your BackOffice Settings, System, General and update what you want your save time to be!

My Brand For Easier Consistency

Upgrading Colors, Fonts, & Buttons, we're introducing My Brand! One area to manage how your brand is displayed across your website, from customizing the navigation to button styles that are specific to your website alone!

What can you find in My Brand?

  • Logo and favicon uploading
  • Color palette setting
  • Header, Sub-header, and Body text formatting
  • Navigation and footer customizing
  • Button style variations

Isn't this what Colors, Fonts & Buttons did?

You're not wrong, but we stepped up all the settings you can customize across your website from one area of your Backoffice.

New Content Blocks

You won’t see this update coming to an end anytime soon, but you may have noticed our drag and drop features got a little bit more advanced!

Now, it doesn’t get any simpler than drag and drop, so what do I mean by “advanced”? Well, you have more content options to choose from because of My Brand! You can grab any of the content blocks we create, any page template we create and add it to your website and, as Emeril says, BAM! It matches your brand and it's ready to go!

We still have all of our original content blocks, but now we have more to choose from making designing your site, easier!

Shipping Just Got Faster With Shippo Integration

One of our bigger projects from the past few months has been integrating with Shippo, a platform that creates the labels postage for your webstore items! Instead of having to manage your orders on your own, you now can connect to Shippo directly from Wavoto who will do it for you!

If managing shipments has been the headache keeping you from having a webstore - stress no more, you’re covered at Wavoto!

These are the highlights since May here at Wavoto, if there’s something you’d love to see, let us know in the comments below.

If you haven’t created your digital office with Wavoto yet, get started today with 14-days free! Sign-up by clicking here!

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